Here Are Two Compelling Therapeutic Strategies Involving GLP-1 Combinations

Here Are Two Compelling Therapeutic Strategies Involving GLP-1 Combinations

GLP-1’s have emerged as a powerful agent in the treatment of population-level disease states. And there appears to be some hidden depths in regard to their potential to address serious conditions upstream of their initial indications. Here are two combinations that show promise, one inside a company and another in the laboratory that addresses neurodegeneration. … Read more

The Future of Cancer Treatment: The Three Most Promising Emerging Therapies

The Future of Cancer Treatment: The Three Most Promising Emerging Therapies

Cancer remains one of the world’s leading causes of death. Traditional treatments – surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy – have saved countless lives, yet their limitations are evident. Chemotherapy’s harsh side effects, the potential for recurrence after surgery, and limits to radiation use necessitate new tools in our fight against cancer. Recent breakthroughs in our … Read more

Here Is A Promising Non-Toxic CAR-T Therapy Biotech

Here Is A Promising Non-Toxic CAR-T Therapy Biotech

Immix Biopharma (IMMX) is CART-T cell therapy company targeting oncology and immune-dysregulated disease. Immix’s subsidiary Nexcella (94% owned) focuses a CAR-T therapy, NXC-201, which is in clinical trials for the treatment of multiple myeloma and AL amyloidosis (ALA). The company’s other promising therapy, IMX-110, is being investigated in a Phase 1b/2a study for the treatment … Read more

Immunotherapy: The Making Of A Revolution

Immunotherapy: The Making Of A Revolution

To learn how something works is to understand how it’s built. How it came to be. That’s true not only if you play a guitar or repair motorcycle engines, but also if you study the biological systems that make life possible. Evolutionary studies, comparing the development of these systems across animals and organisms, are now … Read more

Mayo Clinic Reports mRNA Progress In Cancer Treatment

Mayo Clinic Reports mRNA Progress In Cancer Treatment

Mayo Clinic research shows treatment improvement by adding messenger RNA, or mRNA therapy improves the response to cancer immunotherapy in patients who weren’t responding to the treatment. Immunotherapy uses the body’s immune system to prevent, control and eliminate cancer. The study is published in Cancer Immunology Research, a journal of the American Association for Cancer … Read more

Mapping The Protein Machinery of Cancer Cells

Mapping The Protein Machinery of Cancer Cells

Proteins are often called the workhorses of cells, the machinery that makes cells go. They act as key players in the many chemical reactions constantly occurring in cells, collect cellular garbage, provide structure, repair damaged DNA, and much more. But individual proteins rarely act on their own. Instead, like molecular LEGO bricks, they join together … Read more

This Study Seeks to Prevent Cancer By Targeting Genetic Risk For Ovarian Cancer

This Study Seeks to Prevent Cancer By Targeting Genetic Risk For Ovarian Cancer

Researchers in gynecologic oncology have begun testing a promising surgery for premenopausal women at high genetic risk for ovarian cancer that avoids early menopause and may prevent these malignancies from developing. Studies have shown that most ovarian cancers actually begin to grow from cancer cells that developed in the fallopian tubes. This trial is testing … Read more

This Scientist Focuses On How Cells Record Trauma

This Scientist Focuses On How Cells Record Trauma

Barbara Engelhardt, PhD, builds machine-learning models and statistical tools to make use of data (scientific experiments, longitudinal studies, clinical trials, and hospital records) and find ways to better understand, and even prevent, disease. She is now joining Gladstone Institutes as a senior investigator. Engelhardt is also a full professor at Princeton University, on leave this … Read more

NIH To Fund $185 Million For Research Into Human Genome Functions

NIH To Fund $185 Million For Research Into Human Genome Functions

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is providing approximately $185 million over five years to the Impact of Genomic Variation on Function (IGVF) consortium, initiated and funded by NIH’s National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI). NHGRI will fund 25 awards across 30 U.S. research sites. IGVF consortium investigators will work to understand how genomic variation … Read more